
Building the Adsense Portfolio

I am currently not using any ads for my blog. And I won’t bother you with them before i get some decent traffic 🙂

But here are some tips I want to share with you:

  1. The best adsense template format will be very simple. It will include a minimum of navigation, so the visitor is mostly directed to the Adsense ads blocks.

The template format will also be built with a maximum of three different colours, so the eyes are not too distracted from the content. Try to use minimal graphics, they are not necessary.

If you want to build the best adsense template format, you will include the Adsense square block in the articles on each pages, because this way the visitor will think it is an internal link and it will increase your overall clickthrough. You can place the ads right under the title of the article, or in between two paragraphs.

  1. SEO: Contrary to popular belief, search engine ranking optimization is more complex than just repeating a few keywords or adding meta tags here and there. Optimizing your site involves a lot of work, from optimizing content to correct submission. It is also not a ‘precise’ science. Many search engines change their ranking techniques, so expect the optimization process to be ongoing, and anticipate more than just a few adjustments along the way.
  2. Search Engine Ranking: A search engine is technically a ‘program’ which functions much like a card catalog that indexes and locates a user’s query (desired information) from a database of Internet resources. There are two kinds of search engines. The ‘crawler-based search engines’ generate their listings robotically by ‘crawling’ or ‘spidering’ the Web. One good example of this type of site is Google. ‘Human-powered directories,’ on the other hand, depend on site owners’ or managers’ submission of short descriptions to the directory.

I hope you can do something with this tips!