
Creating Content Tips

If your site does not have good content, you are having troubles with getting visitors and incoming links. You are also unable to get returning visitors (what is very important to have). The best way to create content is to write it yourself. You have to pick a topic that you really like, and put your heart into it. If you enjoy the topic where you are writing about, than the quality of the content will be a lot higher and you enjoy writing it.

Google Adsense works better than every other type of textual advertising because of the fact it reads your content and will display ads that are relevant to the content on your page.

You all know this information I just shared, I am sure. But it is really important to write new quality content. Search engines love new content and will rank websites that are pulling out new content higher than other websites.

The traffic on this blog that is coming from search engines is at 15 % now. The amount of visitors from search engines always was below 10 %. But the search engines are ranking my blog higher and higher, and this brings in some extra traffic. I hope to reach 20 % soon.

I think visitors from search engines are also clicking more on google ads. This is because those visitors are searching for something. And they are targeted visitors. These visitors will click more on google ads than normal visitors that are returning to your blog, or just dropping by.