
Content is King for Google

Content is King. You have to fulfill a need for information. If you do not, your SEO campaign is sure to run into problems.

The content has to work! You cannot afford lame content that has searchers lazily hitting the back button to leave your site. If your content is based on articles, then do get articles that will create some buzz. If it is just your web copy then you should have copy that calls your searchers to action.

Content That Works

Apart from having a focus, your content must be sufficiently interesting. Just as Technocrati (mouthful) is more interesting than Blogspot to pronounce, an article that says “Ugly Websites Sell!” is more entertaining to readers than “How to Build Trust in Your Web Site.” Even if both have exactly the same content, I dare say the “Ugly” article will get more hits over the long term.

Creating a buzz with your content can bring more traffic your way, as people comment on your article and air their views on forums and blogs all over the net, sometimes adding links back to your content. You can create a buzz with unique and relevant listings too; these will be propagated the same way, in forums and blogs, as different people link to it in an effort to answer questions that are posted on blogs and forums on which they are members.

For search engines to remain in business, they need content. To get content they need web sites (that means you). If you have a web site and you are optimizing for a particular key word, then you must have that key word in your web copy. If it means you rewrite your entire web copy to have a key word density of 10-14 percent, by all means rewrite. It is impossible to properly optimize for a keyword and not have the keyword anywhere on your site. Beware of focusing too much on your web site and what it does to the detriment the searcher and what s/he needs. Your key words should be properly used and should not be inserted in as many places as you believe you can get away with.

Organic SEO thrives on content; it therefore demands more creativity and more relevancy than any other method. The content must portray the site as an expert in that particular industry. It must always adapt to fit its target. If you find out that your content is not achieving what it is supposed to, then it has to change (note the word organic, meaning living, biotic, adaptable). Rewriting your entire site’s content is an option if your site does not currently fulfill your content needs.

Constant Refreshing

If you want to be sure of rising in the SERPs, refresh your content weekly, MSN, Yahoo and even Google reward constant refreshing with higher rankings. So not only will you be offering your users more value, you will also be rewarded by the search engines for helping them do their jobs better. MSN especially awards higher rankings to web sites that are updated regularly.

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